What is wabi sabi?
Wikipedia defines it as
a comprehensive Japanese world view or aesthetic centered on the acceptance of transience and imperfection. The aesthetic is sometimes described as one of beauty that is "imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete"... Characteristics of the wabi-sabi aesthetic include asymmetry, asperity
(roughness or irregularity), simplicity, economy, austerity, modesty,
intimacy and appreciation of the ingenuous integrity of natural objects
and processes.
The words that jump out and grab me in this definition are:
imperfect, incomplete, asymmetry, simplicity and intimacy
Wondering where this is going? Well...an idea had been floating around as to how to start book 4. Last week, when starting book 3, I decided that the fabric for the next book would not be whole, but would be cut up and reassembled willy nilly so that the pattern was broken.
With that idea in mind, I mentioned it to
Pam when we skyped on Thursday. Also said something about concentrating on the treatment of where 2 pieces of fabric are joined. Once our conversation was over, a glance at the clock showed 1.5 hours before the little urchins would be home.
So...with 1.5 hours in the studio, an idea that just wouldn't let go and whispering
just do it to myself, I did it.
Fabrics were set on my worktable
and a bin of scraps was opened.
I'd close my eyes and select a piece, from here or there,
of rusted and/or monoprinted cotton,
pin it together,
go sit at the sewing machine
and stitch the layers together
with dark gray thread
along the short side.
Wabi sabi