Friday, September 30, 2011

Experimenting with rust - part 3

My curiosity got the better of me yesterday afternoon. Since the vinegar speeds the rusting process, I knew the masonry nails and washers would have left their marks in no time. And they had. Still, more interest was needed so all was wrapped and tied back up until this morning.

It's no longer just a big white tunic. The photo (left side) is of the front yet the back is just as interesting. In fact, the middle shot on the right is a detail from the back that shows the marks left from the waxed linen when the pieces were originally wrapped.

Part of me wanted to stop the process here and hang the tunic outside to dry and cure a bit before soaking it in baking soda to stop the process and, ultimately, laundering it. However, for experimentation's sake, I removed the rusted elements and bundled it back up on itself to see if more of the color and/or rust would continue to transfer. Being that it's our first non-rainy day all week, the temptation to air it is very strong so...well...who knows? Stay tuned for round 4.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Experimenting with rust - part 2

Before going to bed last night, I checked on the rusting white tunic and was pleased to see the process working. This morning, very curious yet showing restraint, I waited until my daughters were at school before opening the bundle which showed far more rust than white.

Since this is an experiment, I decided to add a few smaller elements to the mix and wrap it all back up, until tonight or maybe even tomorrow morning, depending on how patient I can be.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Experimenting with rust

Back at the beginning of spring, I bought a white tunic to wear with leggings. Thinking that I'd look all chic and modern and possibly a bit artsy when wearing it, I actually felt just the opposite the one time it was donned. To say that I felt like a huge white blob is an understatement, but gets the point across. It has hung in my closet ever since. Until today, that is.

Inspired by India Flint and Jude Hill, I decided to experiment and rust the tunic.

I have to admit while that copies of India Flint's Eco Colour and Second Skin are present in my studio, I have yet to truly set down and read every word. That's my way of saying that I'm sure the process used this morning is probably all wrong, but as this is an experiment using the materials/supplies at hand (read rarely worn cotton shirt, vinegar and huge rusted gear), then I figure it's okay.

The bundle is currently in the studio, resting on one of my work tables by a window to soak up whatever sun it can in this rainy weather. Stay tuned for the unveiling in a few days.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Signed, Sealed & Delivered

Silvermine Arts Center will be holding its annual fundraiser, Signed, Sealed & Delivered,  at the end October. The pieces above (4" x 6") are my donations. I really like the little dudes. May have to do a few more to keep.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Studio time

After organizing the studio and procrastinating for a while, 
I managed to get in a wee bit of stitching today.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Another Saturday night

After a two week hiatus due to Hurricane Irene and vacation, it's nice to spend a few hours in the studio actually doing something creative.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Ann Arbor rain circles © Jennifer Coyne Qudeen


As I wrote my last post on August 27, Hurricane Irene was moving up the east coast of the US leaving various levels of destruction in her wake. In fact, about 5 seconds after sending a note to Fiona of Paper Ponderings saying that we were all ok and still had power...well...the power went out...for 2 days. How's that for timing?

Once power was restored, I spent a day cleaning out the refrigerator and the next day packing for our vacation to Ann Arbor, Michigan. More on the art scene around here soon...probably after we return home because the girls keep confiscating my computer to watch movies.

Yesterday we ended up on the grounds of Cranbrook, where my husband went to school and also home of the Cranbrook Academy of Art. We wondered the grounds enjoying the trails, lawns, ponds, gardens, etc. It was on one of the trails that I happened to look down just in time to keep from stepping on a bluejay feather.

This lovely one will be added to my feather collection. 

 Wonder what treasure will be found on today's stroll?

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