Wednesday, April 23, 2014

3 = 15

Start with 3 pieces that measure 6" x 64". 

Set them aside and forget about them
until they begin to whisper their discontent. 

Listen to their pleas

 for transformation.

Let them guide you in turning

3 into 15.


  1. J - 3 pieces 6x64 inches - man that is big - so much potential - and looks like you have listened to the pieces and hopped right into cutting and sticking - so good to see. B

    1. Barry - After spending, at the very least, 2 years in fear of trying anything new for fear that it would be awful, I adopted the Nike slogan of "Just do it" as a mantra to get me through my fear. It works. The 15 pieces are so much more interesting than the 3. Enjoy!

  2. there's something extremely satisfying about multiples. whether chocolate or art....

    1. Hmmm....dark chocolate with almonds...while working on art...

  3. Must feel very satisfying and liberating J! I'm not so good with numbers; what comes next??? : )

    1. What comes next? The not-so-interesting work of preparing them to hang on the wall, photographing and submitting to exhibitions. Or the answer could be 16. Not likely as I tend to work in multiples.

      It did feel liberating to cut the long pieces down - especially as each smaller piece is so much more interesting than the whole was. Let's see...perhaps 20 should be next... Enjoy!


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