Friday, December 27, 2013

A new Christmas tradition

Belated Christmas greetings from Cancun! I hope everyone had a delightful day, filled with peace, joy, laughter, good food and good friends and family. Or peace and quiet...whatever you desired.

We decided to do something different this year and came to the beach. So odd on one hand to spend Christmas day among palm trees, lazying by the pool and enjoying umbrella drinks (the girls love virgin pina coladas). I'm really thinking that this should become a new Christmas tradition. There are enough hotels here to allow staying at a different one each year for quite a while.

Enjoy the photos! 

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Tis the season

To be jolly. Fa la la la la, la la la la.

I'm working on the jolly part - far too much to do in far too little time since my return to Connecticut. I am, however, very joyful and thankful for so having so many good things and good people in my life.

There's my new favorite word - benign. It's really being all jumbled up with an extra n thrown into the mix, but it's also the sweetest of words to hear...especially when said in regards to one's mother.

Then there are friends like Pam

who saves tea bags for me and sends them along - 

all nicely emptied even though I keep telling her to just stick them in a box.

And who included a good bit of indigo from her own stash with the tea bags.

photo by Barry Smith

Then there's Fiona. Part of my whirlwind week back home has included being able to visit with Fiona and Barry in New York on Sunday. It still boggles my mind that they choose to visit during our winter. Think about's summer in Australia just now. They've traded sun and warmth for snow/rain/sleet + wind + cold temps.

I'm so glad we had the chance to get together again. This time around we took in some bad art at MOMA. Really, really bad art at MOMA. The kind that leaves you wondering how on earth this stuff got to be shown there. Really? Just what were we missing? The kind that also leaves one thinking that their 1st graders made better collages back in pre-school. Yep. That kind of bad.

Lunar Architecture by Fiona

The good art came via a little bag that Fiona handed me containing gifts from her and Barry, Noela and Susan.

I've felt a kinship with Fiona from the beginning of our exchanges via the inter-pixies. And our work shows it, don't you think?

Imagine Peace by Fiona

Some time last year, I rusted a piece of cotton that printed beautifully...except that it had measles. Seriously. There were little dots all over it that I just could not get past. Noela thought she could do something with a bit of it so, not being able to see beyond the measles, I sent the whole thing to her.

She sent part of it back in the form of the most wonderful book,

all wabi sabi style

and playing off the measley parts 

in ways that left me speechless with surprise and joy

Peace by Noela Mills

and feeling very peaceful. 

 Susan's textured prints have me wanting to hold them

and examine them,

 to learn their language,

to listen to their tales

and secrets...for surely they are maps to another world, another time...

when feathers were magical and the most precious of possessions.

Barry's gift is one of reflection, stillness and meditation.

Encouraging me to smile, dream, shine, have hope, be at peace, to love and have joy. 

Tis the season for hearts to swell with amazement and awe, in my case at having such wonderful and generous friends. Thank you doesn't seem quite enough, but thank you all so very much for the gifts, but especially for being in my life. 

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Another frosty beginning

Brilliant blue skies + overnight below freezing temps = a sparkling morning frost.

Patterns appeared everywhere.

Frozen crop circle or faerie ring?

A grove of ancient trees

 sheltering travelers along the way.

 Elders speak of olden times

 while the young ones romp and play.

The sages sit and ponder...

 who will shine the brightest?

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

A stroll around the lake

In between bouts of rain, I slipped out for a stroll around Cove Lake yesterday. There were legs to be stretched, fresh air to be breathed and a bit of solitude to be found.

These mountains are visible from my parents' backyard. The cloud display has been magnificent these past few weeks. As have the sunsets...when it wasn't raining, that is.

My original plan had been to follow the path that rings the lake each day...gather a leaf or two and possibly a discarded feather or two. Rain and days spent at the hospital prevented that.

When the sun peaked through the clouds and a bit of blue was visible...well, it seemed the perfect time and place to offer up a most heartfelt thank you to the dogs above. All is well. And that is so very sweet.
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