Wednesday, December 26, 2012

In the studio

Where? Oh where did my work table go?
Where? Oh where can it be?
With it's clean white top and it's cutting board too,
Where? Oh where can it be?


  1. I'm afraid that we all know that feeling! How quickly a clean work table gets *busy*--I refuse to say that they get messy. ;)

    1. Messy? Never. Incredibly cluttered with non-art related stuff? Yes. It was becoming the gift wrapping station that did it in. Sort of...

  2. Hmmm this looks familiar.... Just back from NJ and hope to "hit" the studio tomorrow. Hope X-mas was fun.

    1. Hope it takes you less time to clear your work table than it will no doubt take me. I've become great at procrastinating. Seems like your visit to NJ and NY was wonderful. Next time you're in NYC, plan a little extra time so we can get together.

  3. Your 'lost' work table looks splendid! I'd help you clean up if I could.

    1. What fun it would be to have you here to help clear the work table. Imagine the conversation to be had while clearing and organizing!

  4. I'm in the same boat. I'm sorting and packing things up. Starting the new year off right??? I'm messy by nature so it's always short lived!
    Happy cleaning!

    1. From the usual state of my studio anymore, I'm inclined to say that I'm messy by nature too although an uncluttered studio is definitely preferred. Some how, it just doesn't seem to stay that way for very long. User error, perhaps? Happy cleaning to you as well!


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