Friday, April 20, 2012

What a week

This has been a mixed bag of week, including the first grounding of our little urchins [shorthand for our 5 year old twin daughters].

Actually, they may just find themselves grounded more often given how productive yesterday was. While they took turns either being in their room or in my room - had to separate them or it would have been total bedlam - I worked in the studio [aka the next to largest bedroom] which allowed me to keep an eye and ear on them.

When not knocked out by sinus allergy medicine this week, I've been enjoying the stacks and stashes posts of other artists. Take a look at Anca's delicious gatherings as well Elizabeth's, Fiona's and Susan's if you haven't already. If you know of others, please leave a comment with the link so they too can be shared.

Wondering in what way yesterday was so productive? Well, the past two days have been laundry days. Not so interesting, huh?

It is if it's laundry of a rusty type. All of my wintry fabrics over 15" wide have now been soaked to stop and set the rust and laundered. There's more to be done, including ironing/steaming the pile now resting on my work table.

While my rusty stash was taking a bath or drying, I was doing a bit of spring cleaning in my studio closet, hoping to do a bit of purging and rearranging to allow space for my large pieces to be viewed in full.

rust circle #22, 60" x 78-ish"
Et voila! Don't ask where everything that once rested on this wall is now. Some things found a new resting place while others are in temporary residence elsewhere in the studio.

Next up...ironing/steaming my oversized beauties. Stay tuned for updates on that adventure.


  1. I have just put a link to your blog on mine,
    and a few pics of my 'stacks and stashes':

    1. Hi Jackie. Thanks for joining in the fun with your great post. Love the art creature struggling to survive and waving (yes, I'm choosing waving) at everyone. Enjoy!

  2. Beautiful rustiness! I just always love visiting here. Feast for my eyes.
    As for 5 year old twins....!!!...I only have one 5 year old and he's a handful. The fact that you can be productive on any given day is something to cheer about.

    1. Welcome! While I visit your blog often and stare in amazement at your inspiring pieces, I hadn't realized that you visit mine as well. Awesome! Thank you!

      5 year olds are a force unto themselves. Can't imagine having a boy that age. Two girls are enough as they tend to feed off each other and when the energy builds it's sometimes it was for the little time they were grounded together in their room. There's a shelf full of art and dolls that still needs to be rehung. I think one of them tried to use it to help propel herself high enough to reach the ceiling. Arg!!!

      Come visit again soon!


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