Sunday, January 5, 2014

Searching for Roy G Biv in 2014

 Julie and I would like to announce round 3 of Searching for Roy G Biv. For those who are just now tuning in, let me give you a little background.

In a 2012 blog post, Julie mentioned a Mr Roy G Biv. Being unacquainted with him myself, a quick Google inquiry was undertaken...which left me shaking my head in despair! Asking my husband if he knew Mr Biv brought much laughter...from him, not me. My head was hanging so low by then that it was dragging the floor.

You see, while Julie and my husband had learned the colors of the rainbow as RedOrangeYellow  Green  BlueIndigoViolet, I learned them simply as red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple. Out of innocence, shame and more than a few belly laughs, the Search for Roy G Biv was born.

On the 3rd Thursday of each month, you are invited to join the fun by posting photos on your blog that focus on the color of the month. If you let us know that you're participating via a comment on either blog, we will reference you and link to your blog. Originally, 5 photos were suggested, but we were having so much fun that that guideline was quickly forgotten.

The 2014 calendar is below. As you can see, a few colors have been added after the proper Roy G Biv search. We're open to ideas of colors - the metallics, for instance, or turquiose - so if there's a color you're passionate about, just let us know.

January 16 - red
February 20 - orange
March 20 - yellow
April 17 - green
May 15 - blue
June 19 - indigo
July 17 - violet
August 21 - pink
September 18 - black
October 16 - white
November 20 - brown
December 18 - blogger's choice

Julie and I try to remember to post a reminder each preceding Thursday. Life gets hectic and Mr Biv slips into the background. We understand. Participation is totally optional, but as far as we're concerned, the more, the merrier. See you on the 16th!


  1. Thanks for the announcement and a wonderful "history" of "the Search"! Hoping to blog a bit later today. Down in Savannah which can sometimes be problematic for blogging!!

    1. You're very welcome. Kinda thought the timing was right. Hope life in Savannah is manageable.

  2. Please send me a reminder - I'll be on the hunt! Thank you.

    yarngoddess at hotmail dot com

    1. Stay tuned to the blog. I'll post a reminder on Thursday...providing I remember... Glad to have you joining in the search!

  3. Great! I will join you when I can ... Looking forward to it.

    1. The more the merrier Charlton. Join us when possible. Enjoy!

  4. I was hardly able to participate last year and this renewed Roy G Biv is tantalizing! I'll try to make it. I'll also need to Google the 'blogger's choice' colour, never heard of it :) Happy new rainbow, Jennifer!

    1. Hmmm...not sure Wikipedia or Google have "blogger's choice" listed yet...being very new and all. I suppose this does qualify as "chasing rainbows" though...sort of. Enjoy!

  5. I'll have to join in when I have some color to share. this sounds fun.

    1. Wonderful! You'll have color to just might not realize it yet. I found that searching for Roy made me more aware of colors - even of those around the house that had faded into the background. Happy hunting!

  6. I'm in! Am working on a piece for an upcoming show entitled "Red", so this is perfect!!

    1. How's that for timing Cindi?!? Glad to have you join in the search. Happy hunting!

  7. Me Too! I had never heard of the term Roy G Biv but I'm willing to celebrate color on the 16th! I'll search around for RED ...this is going to be fun!

    1. Can I tell just how dumb I felt after the Google search? And my husband's laughter coupled with the incredulous look on his face...well, a black hole would have been welcome! I mean, what artist hasn't heard of Roy G Biv? Seems that a lot of us haven't so you're in good company. Can't wait to see the reds you find. Enjoy!

  8. I remember learning ROY G BIV, I hope to remember red on Jan 16th. Count me in!
    Happy New Year!

    1. Glad to have you join us Jill! Happy New Year to you as well.

  9. Huzzah! Glad to join in the hunt for Mr. Biv this year. I will be doing a piece for the same show Cindi mentioned above, so my eye is attuned to red this month! Thanks for the open invitation.

    1. You are most welcome for the invitation Susan! Feel free to invite others to join us. I'd love to see a lot of red floating around the blogs on the 16th. Enjoy!

  10. HiJ - I had no idea either, and I love rainbows! We just call it purple over here. I have popped the dates and colours in the diary - hoping I can play all year long!

    1. I love that you'll be joining us again! This is going to be fun.

  11. Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain was the way we Brits were taught the rainbow :)

    1. Priceless! Now it must be asked...was there a Richard of York who battled in vain? Apologies, but I'm not up on British history.


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