Saturday, November 21, 2015


I've been sitting here at the computer for the past 10 minutes or so, trying to decide what to title this post and, well, what exactly to say. There's a part of me that wants to wax poetic about time and how it seems to have slipped right through my fingers even though said fingers have been trying their best to wrangle and contain it. I mean, will someone please tell me how it has come about that this coming Thursday is Thanksgiving?!? Seriously. How is that possible?

I feel a bit like my sewing machine...only my speed is closer to the turtle's pace and position - just near enough to catch a tail wind without actually being swept up in it.

Words and phrases keep floating in the swirl that is my creative mind at the moment - taproot, connectedness, being, serendipity, hope, peace, be present, be here now, who is Jan Baker?

Memories of Santa Fe and stitching summits play along side the words. Visions of work yet to be created beckon me to the studio while life pulls me away

and declares that it is time to do this or that or another thing before I can steal away to the studio.

I know that studio time will come but with the beginning of the holiday season upon us, my brain is screaming  

And that's when a little voice inside my head meekly points out that over the last few days the dining room has been my studio as I measured, pinned, cut, sewed and ironed slipcovers and sashes for our dining room chairs and that the time doing so was time well spent. And that little voice would be correct, but shhh....don't tell her.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Searching for Roy G Biv - Pink - Update 1

Welcome to the November installment of the search for Roy G Biv. Julie and I gone through the usual rainbow alphabet and are featuring other colors to round out the year. November's color was once relegated to little girls' clothes and various candies (cotton and Bazooka bubblegum come to mind), but that no longer seems the case. These days pink can be found on city streets, in home goods stores, outside offering a place to rest, on a wall proclaiming the establishment's name and even in the schools promoting worthy messages. Enjoy!

 Boston traffic

There is no place like home at ABC Home, NYC
 bakery car in Westport, CT

 store sign in Lawrence, KS

 store sign at the local mall

 chairs at Prospector Theater,  Ridgefield

 team softball helmets

 good message our my daughters' school

As usual, if you've pinks to share, just leave a message for Julie or myself and we'll happily link to your blog post. Happy hunting!


Stroll on over to see the pink delights offered by:

Julie at Julie B Booth 
Roxanne at Roxanne Lasky
Mary Ann at Blue Sky Dreaming
Susan and Elizabeth at PG Fiber2Art
Lisa at Arzigogolare
Margaret at Charlton Stitcher

Monday, November 16, 2015

Dreamscapes at Westport Arts Center

I am honored that my piece Water Dreams 3 was juried into DREAMSCAPES at the Westport Arts Center.  
The opening reception is this Friday, 6-8 pm. Hope to see you there!

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Searching for Roy G Biv - reminder

Jsut a quick to reminder that next Thursday is a Roy G Biv day. 

November's color is pink. 
Happy hunting!

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Out for a stroll

Last week, I went for a pre-Halloween stroll 

on Main Street in Ridgefield.

New England falls 

are lush,

sometimes surprising

one with the unexpected.

Color and beauty

were plentiful.

Monday, November 2, 2015


171 tea bags

generously donated,
opened, emptied and unfolded,
awaiting ironing.
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