Friday, March 29, 2013

In the studio

Finished this week.

Charting the Quiet Within © 2013
30" long x 6" high
rusted, mono printed and painted cotton, stitching

Echoes of Stillness © 2013
30" long x 6" high
rusted and mono printed cotton, stitching 

And the story scroll has been named.

 Mending the Wayfarer's Path © 2013
14.5' long x 5" high
rusted, mono printed and painted cotton, stitching 

All in all, not a bad week. 
How was yours?

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Art math - when does 1 = 4 = 5?

Start with 1 very long piece that is intended to become accordion book 5.

Hang it in the studio for viewing and pondering.

Get really close so its whispers of what it truly wants to become are clearly heard.
 Listen. Agree.  

Take it down from its lofty perch. 
Lay it on your worktable...back side up...and
just do it.

 Cut it into 4 equal lengths measuring approximately 64".
Give them a lofty perch again and stand back to listen to their whispers.
Of contentment? Of dismay? Of not-quite-there-ness?

Listen to one who yearns to be more. is possible for 1 = 4 = 5.

Don't you just love art math?

(sorry for the poor's darker on that end of the studio)

Friday, March 22, 2013

The Search for Roy G Biv II - Orange

I'm a bit late posting my oranges this time. A whole day late actually. Can I blame it on our new internet service which, supposedly, works at the same speed as the old service? Can I blame it on waiting until the little urchin were in bed and then crawling in bed myself with my lap top on my lap and thinking I hit the publish button before falling asleep? I can? Good. Both instances are true...although this one most likely falls more to user error.

As oranges are still inside trying to stay warm up (where is spring?), I've culled back through the archives to re-post some favorites as well as a few newbies. Enjoy!

kinetic sculpture outside Silvermine Arts Center

building in New York

my discharged cottons dancing on the breeze

Go Fish cards

felted wall hanging 

lobster at the aquarium

antique kimono fabric sent by Pam

robot necklace


A huge Thank You! to those aiding in the search for Roy this month. In the mood for more orange? 

have orange. Do you?

Monday, March 18, 2013

What a way to start the week

I'm an early riser. Always have been and it's a good bet that I always will be. Even now, or maybe that should be especially now, with the little urchins to get ready for school, I make a point of rising early enough to have at least 30 minutes to sit and enjoy a cup of tea while checking email and favored blogs before it's necessary to switch into mom mode. This morning was no different.

While enjoying a cup of jasmine tea, I logged on to check my email and found a note from Seth Apter of The Altered Page. He is in the process of writing the follow up to his first book, The Pulse of Mixed Media. A few things have happened that he wanted to share - the title has changed, the cover art is in, the publication date has moved up (now October 2013) and the book is available for pre-order from Amazon.

Exciting news all round, wouldn't you agree? I saved the cover art file to my computer for a better look (that little thumbnail included in the email was just a tad too small to really see). Talk about getting the surprise of a lifetime when I opened the file for a better glimpse! Holy smoke Batman!!! My art made the cover!!! What an honor this is!

Needless to say, I want to say a huge Thank You to Seth.  Made my week. Heck, my month and possibly even my year. What a way to start the week!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

In the studio

In case you're wondering what's happening this week,

 there's a little of this

 and a whole lot of that

 which results in 

 a bit of this

 and a tad of that

 with a smattering of this going on too


Friday, March 1, 2013

Accordion or scroll?

The official vote so far is 2 either way, 3 scroll...4 if my vote counts. What do you think?

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