I'm an early riser. Always have been and it's a good bet that I always will be. Even now, or maybe that should be especially now, with the little urchins to get ready for school, I make a point of rising early enough to have at least 30 minutes to sit and enjoy a cup of tea while checking email and favored blogs before it's necessary to switch into mom mode. This morning was no different.
While enjoying a cup of jasmine tea, I logged on to check my email and found a note from Seth Apter of
The Altered Page. He is in the process of writing the follow up to his first book,
The Pulse of Mixed Media. A few things have happened that he wanted to share - the title has changed, the cover art is in, the publication date has moved up (now October 2013) and the book is available for
pre-order from Amazon.
Exciting news all round, wouldn't you agree? I saved the cover art file to my computer for a better look (that little thumbnail included in the email was just a tad too small to really see). Talk about getting the surprise of a lifetime when I opened the file for a better glimpse! Holy smoke Batman!!! My art made the cover!!! What an honor this is!
Needless to say, I want to say a huge
Thank You to Seth. Made my week. Heck, my month and possibly even my year. What a way to start the week!