Thursday, May 3, 2012


Remember the children's poem -

Rain, rain, go away
Come again another day. 

That's what I'd love to say today, but my gears are reveling and renewing in the moisture.


  1. your wheels
    are turning
    as with the season
    gearing up...

    xox - eb.

    1. They are gearing up...
      to get back to work
      happily rusting away.

      Not sure there will be a true change
      of seasons for me this year -
      from rust to discharge, that is.

      I'm quite content rusting,
      but do have a stack of stained t-shirts
      waiting for a nice warm day so
      they can be given a second chance at life
      via bleach and being wrapped and bundled.

      Maybe when the rain stops...

  2. its raining here too - mist hugging and clawing into the hilly dips. Sometimes I just need the sun warmth to dry out my soul and make it fit for work. Rust on the other hand .......... :-)

    1. The rain can heard through my partially open studio window...falling softly in the dark of morning. While I'd much prefer to hear an owl calling or the birds singing [are there no birds that sing in the rain?], we need the rain...just not a week of it. I too crave the warmth of the sun and the clearness of a brilliant blue sky to dry out my's rather soggy at the moment. Soon.

  3. J-I have serious rusty cog and gear envy going on here. I love the idea that we can put these bit out and they will reward you with rich colours, shapes and even textures. Mind you I would really love to see some as part of a post portal series I have in my mind. Go well. B

    1. You're too funny - rusty cog and gear envy indeed! Considering that my gears came from a scrap metal yard and were just laying willy nilly outside - on the ground, in large metal containers, etc - I figured the best way to renew the rust was to let them commune with nature for a bit. It's been nearly a month and I'm beginning to suffer the first withdrawal symptoms of having gone cold turkey rusting my cotton. Need a fix! Good thing I've got two pieces of cotton soaking in tea, just waiting to wrapped and bundled around one of the gears!

      Now...tell me more about this post portal series you have in mind...


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