Thursday, December 8, 2011

In the studio

Made a bit of progress on the rusted boro piece today. 


  1. this looks
    so calm, so serene
    quiet in the process...

    xox - eb.

  2. Elizabeth - It was begun in a calm setting, Pam's last Saturday, and finished in the studio today while the girls were at school. So...yes. Calm and serene. to keep the whole piece that way.

  3. It is looking lovely - hope you continue to enjoy the making, the quiet stitching...

  4. Fiona - Thank you! In my mind the story of this piece is that it has been a much loved wrap or cover, handed down several times and always well cared for. It's developed a few tears and such, and has been delicately mended.

    Phew! Hopefully, I can keep to that story line and not screw the whole thing up by over working it. Keep your fingers crossed!


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