Thursday, November 24, 2011

Giving thanks

Fiona Dempster over at Paper Ponderings has a lovely Thursday Thought, a quote by Jorge Luis Borges, today that deals with the idea of parallel universes, the intersection/interaction of individuals. She muses about what ifs and decisions made or not made.

This blog of mine was a what if. One that was thought of, dreamed of, considered, mulled over, discarded, feared and finally started nearly 2 years ago. It was a way to keep my name out there in the art world. And a way to insure that I actually worked in the studio rather than just dreaming of doing so. Can't very well have an art blog and not have new work to show, right?

What if? What if I chosen to not start an art blog? The answer to that is simple. I would have missed out on making friendships with some wonderful artists. Some live fairly close by. Some live on the other side of the world. Seems distance is no hinderance in the blogging world.

Today is Thanksgiving Day here in the States. It seems appropriate to ponder a few what ifs, but even more appropriate to say Thank You for discovering this little blog of mine. Thank You for your comments, your encouragement, your sharing spirit. May your day be filled with lots of love and laughter...and art!


  1. today
    while the wax melted
    thanks to you
    I wrapped up some rusty things
    and I asked myself
    "what if...?"

    love those wild snowmen up there,

    xox - eb.

  2. Hi Jennifer I'm glad you followed the what if and began your blog and shared with the world - it has been such a delight and a pleasure to discover you and your work. Best wishes for you and yours over the holiday time and thank you for your kind words! F

  3. eb - Ooh! I hope you share the results of your rusty "what if". There's always a thrill when opening a rusty bundle since it has a creative mind of its own.

    By the way, the cranberries not used to make sauce keep calling to me each trip into the pantry. They whisper that they're tired of just sitting around in the dark, in a bag, bored, wanting freedom, wanting to be useful too. My husband doesn't know it yet, but the cranberries will be a bubbling the studio, in a pot, on a hot plate...a la India Flint...wrapped up in organza and cotton and left to stew overnight. What if a few blueberries are added to the brew? Hmmm...

  4. Fiona - The pleasure of your having discovered my blog is all mine, I assure you. It's wonderful to find kindred spirits...even if they are on the other side of the world! Enjoy the busy holiday season. Hope to see you next year!

  5. oh oh - this is exciting!
    my discovery was that the cranberries want to BE bubbled and cooked up - always winging it...
    hoping you will have some lovely hues,

    what if???

    xox - eb.


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