Friday, July 16, 2010

Patterns in the sand part 2

On our last day at the beach, I finally managed to rise before anyone else. I grabbed my camera and headed to the beach to enjoy the sun rise. As I strolled back, shapes in the sand caught my eye again.

This time the patterns reminded me of trees...trees created by the movement of water.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Patterns in the rain

We had a few thunderstorms at the beach today and I took advantage of one to take photos of the patterns made by the rain drops.


Photography is one of my passions. In fact, it's rare when my camera isn't nearby and has been so for years.  Two of the things I love to photograph are patterns and ground shots.

This is beach week for my family. We're in Corolla, NC and are having a wonderful time. I took time yesterday morning to go down on the beach before too many people were about and was treated to a sandy landscape of patterns left by the retreating tide.

As I took this shot of the bird (kingfisher?), the waves in the sand in the lower right corner caught my attention. I turned to look for more and was greeted by a panorama of pattern. Enjoy.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Fallen cairn

When I went outside this morning to pick mint for tea, it was to find that tragedy had struck. The cairn had fallen.

Actually, it was most likely a nosey deer that had struck overnight and tumbled the cairn. Odd place for the deer to be, but considering that last year those lilies were a favorite deer snack, I'm a bit surprised that this hasn't happened more often.

Before restacking the elements, I decided to take advantage of the opportunity that the deer had given me  and unwrapped one of the pieces to see how things were going.


After appeasing my curiousity, I restacked the cairn.

Wonder how long this iteration will stand against nosey deer?
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