Sunday, September 21, 2014

Alchemy of Tea - part 1


Barbara Bartlett's Mobilitea

"Alchemy of Tea brings together a group of national artists inspired by tea.

Mari Omori, Barbara Bartlett, Jennifer Coyne Qudeen, Elizabeth Alexander (pedestal)

This unique and stunning collection of work provokes viewers to ponder the transformation of tea from its consumable and degradable form into art.

Bridget Conn, Barbara Bartlett (pedestal), Mari Omori

Tea has been part of sacred rituals across the globe for centuries. The fragility and golden hues found in this collection project the historical and spiritual roots of tea, while each artist's subjects juxtapose a contemporary take on tea as a medium and muse.

Rodney Thompson, Elizabeth Alexander (pedestal), Mari Omori

From installation to photography and porcelain to encaustic - this exhibition has something to inspire everyone.*

 Barbara Bartlett, Mari Omori, Jennifer Coyne Qudeen, Elizabeth Alexander (pedestal)

Last weekend Pam and I met in Charlotte, North Carolina for the opening of Alchemy of Tea at the Cornelius Arts Center, curated by Jen Crickenberger. The six artists whose work comprise the show are Barbara Bartlett, Bridget Conn, Elizabeth Alexander, Mari Omori, Rodney Thompson and myself.

I am so honored to have been included in Alchemy of Tea. Many thanks to Jen for her in creating such a high quality exhibition.

Part 2 of this post will show the work in more detail than these gallery shots.

*text from Cornelius Arts Center

Friday, September 19, 2014

Searching for Roy G Biv 3 - Black, update 2

The White Rabbit in Wonderland said it best - I'm late! I'm late for a very important date! So odd to be posting my Roy G Biv photos on Friday rather than Thursday, but...well...I am. My apologies for that!

Oddly enough, while I was excited about photographing blacks...and have had 9 months to do wasn't until getting ready to edit the shots that I realized my black folder was empty. I sat there staring at it and that little folder simply stared doubt wondering what all the staring was about. A peruse through the blog archives followed. Below are some of my favorites. Enjoy!

watchful cat in Newburgh, Scotland

brick work in Newburgh, Scotland

workshop last August

giant chess pieces in Cancun

a gift from Pam to remind me to....

merry-go-round in Boston

section of a building - the building next to it had been torn down


For more blacks, stroll over to see what treasures can be found at Julie's Julie B Booth Surface Design, Lisa's arzigogolare, Maya's Million Little Stitches, Yarngoddess's Sooner or Later, Sharmon's Sharmon Davidson Contemporary Mixed Media and Mary Ann's Blue Sky Dreaming


Jill of Recycled Daze had the best photo shoot with her lovely daughter Eva. Gives me ideas for photo shoots when my urchins are teenagers. 


Salt Air and Pistachios is joining in the search for Roy. Welcome!


Eric of Cerulean has joined us this month. Stroll on over to see his wonderful blacks.


October 16 - white
November 20 - brown
December 18 - blogger's choice

Thursday, September 18, 2014

The Studio Table

My studio tables at the moment.

They've been neater...and messier. So has the floor, but that's a whole other matter.

Care to peruse others' studio tables? Stroll on over to The Altered Page. Seth has a list of 80 artists who are sharing photos of their studio tables. What a great idea. Thanks Seth!

Friday, September 12, 2014

Searching for Roy G Biv 3 - reminder

A quick reminder that the next installment in the search for Roy G Biv is this coming Thursday, September 18.

discharged fabric detail 2012

As with last month's search, Julie and I are exploring colors outside the Roy G Biv alphabet. September's focus is black. 

If you'd like to participate, on the 18th post a few shots of black on your blog. Leave a message on Julie's blog or mine and we'll be happy to link to you. The more, the merrier. Enjoy!

Sunday, September 7, 2014

3 to celebrate

Many thanks to all for the lovely comments you left on my 509 = 3 post! As promised, the little urchins and I drew names this morning to see 

 whose homes these 3 journals would soon be winding their way to.

 Grace drew first. 

 Then Ellie.

Then it was my turn.

Congratulations to Wildnana, Dorit Elisha of life as a five ring circus and Barry of Rustnstuff!

Wildnana and Dorit Elisha, if you would send me an email at jcqart(at)yahoo(dot)com with the address you'd like the journal mailed to, I'd appreciate it.

My urchins are already asking when they get to draw names again... January will mark 5 years of blogging. What do you think? Will another give away be in order then?

Monday, September 1, 2014

509 = 3

Wondering just what sort of art math I'm up to now? In what universe 509 = 3? In the blogiverse, of course!

In celebration of passing the 500th blog post milestone (this post is #509 - 500 was back in Cleveland - day 4's morning walk, in fact), I've made 3 journals to give away as my way of saying Thank You! to everyone who reads my little blog.

The journals are made of papers that I marked on after returning from this year's artist retreat at Pam's .

Roughly measuring 6 inches square,

 each has 18-20 pages, including the cover.

There is movement

and color.

Mostly blue as I was dreaming of water as I did these.

The edges are rough

as are the journals themselves. They are imperfect and incomplete. Every other spread is blank - awaiting your own marks and words.

If you fancy having one of my little journals, you have until midnight New York City time on Saturday, September 6, to leave a comment here or on the corresponding post on my Facebook artist page. Next Sunday morning, the little urchins and I will draw names. Don't forget to leave your blog address or email address in your comment in case your name is drawn.

Good luck! And Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

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