
Sunday, January 11, 2015


Five years ago today - yesterday actually by date, but today being as we've arrived at the second Sunday of the new year - I was sitting in Starbucks, venti chai at the ready, laptop open, fingers poised over the keyboard, trying desperately to write the first post of what was to be my art blog...this blog.

Those first words just wouldn't come. It seemed years...decades even...before the first coherent sentence flowed onto the screen. And then the post was written. The rest, as the saying goes, is history.

Being an ex-accountant, I thought it would be fun to take a peek at a few stats while reflecting on the past 5 years. My most viewed post is

Cleveland - India Flint workshop day 1. While my bundle photo from that day is very popular on Pinterest,

it's this shot of India's hands that I prefer.

And that got me thinking about my favorite posts. Two quickly come to mind. The first was one of the most difficult to write and share because of the strong emotions associated with it. Tactile Notebooks and the Written Word - After not only offers insight into one of the exercises Sandra asked of the class, but is a treasured example of how my world opened and expanded because of beginning this blog.

Another favored post is Santa Fe - Sunday. Pam and I arrived in Santa Fe the evening before, tired and excited about the week ahead. Our first full day, Sunday, was an all round magical day and won't be forgotten any time soon. We both fell in love with Santa Fe and are planning our return later this year.

The writing of this blog has brought about so many connections with kindred spirits, new friendships formed, opportunities to travel, exhibit my work and even write a magazine column. All would have been unthinkable 5 years ago.

From me to you, a most heart felt Thank You! for sharing the years. Here's to another 5 more.


  1. Here's to another (fun and adventure filled!!) 5 years!

    1. Oh my goodness yes! To 5, 10, 20 and more. Thank you so very, very much for being part of my life, part of my family. I honestly don't think any of this would have been possible without your presence in my life. Oh hell! Where are the tissues?!?

    2. Ha. I was talking fun and adventure.....and now, you make me reach for the tissues? Yes, 20 more would be great!

    3. I know...sorry. For some reason, I'm in a sappy sort of sentimental mood today though.

  2. and jennifer, my best to you, your blog is a place to read honesty (read: no bullshit) and integrity. thank you for doing it.

    1. Thank you Velma for such generous thoughts. I think writing from heart and being honest is best. Then again, my mom would tell you that I can b.s. with the best of them, but that's based on my growing up with an active imagination and using it well.

  3. Love reading your blog, doing workshops with some of the same people it has been good to read about your experiences too. Hope for many more years of reading.

    1. Thank you Penny! There's something about being able to share experiences with someone who lives on the other side of the world, isn't there? Here's to more of those!

  4. Happy 5th! You were my blogging blogging qu(d)een! You keep on goin' girl!

  5. Dear J - I am forever grateful that you put fingers to keyboard and went out into the big wide blogging world - how fortunate for me and so many others. Whenever I see a new post pop up in my sidebar, I'm over here! I think Velma said it well - the honesty and integrity; and the sharing. Thanks so much, and here's to many more!

    1. Likewise Fiona. My little blog plodded right along the first year with Pam being the sole reader, I think. Then this calligraphy/paper artist over in Australia added me to her list of favored blogs and my world exploded, expanded and has never been the same. And that is most excellent.

      5 years later, to have met you and Barry and be able to call you friends - and not mean Facebook friends either - still boggles my mind. Thank you for being in my life. Damn! Forgot where I put those darned tissues!!!

  6. This blogging adventure is truly extraordinary. We are the modern version of pen friends with the extra delight of being able to see one another's work .. and all this instantly. I've only been blogging since 2012 but it has been an enormous pleasure and I have learnt so much from seeing other people's work and receiving their helpful comments. You are on my list too of favourite blogs and I always read what you've written - and do so with huge enjoyment. Thank you so much!

    1. I love that we "are the modern version of pen friends". Hadn't quite thought of blogging that way, but you're right. How lucky we are to live in this age.

      Thank you Margaret for being part of it. Enjoy!

  7. it's a curious thing, the blog whirled...seems to be doing some good though, at least, the ones that i see!

    1. It is a curious and wondrous thing. It was the connection thru Christine (whose blog I followed at the time) that allowed me to take your class in Cleveland. Scotland came about the same way. And all can be traced back to our blogs. Not bad at all.

      I'm honored to have met you twice now and hope that the fates allow us to meet again.

  8. Congratulations Jennifer! ... it is indeed a wondrous world we are fortunate to live in and i am so happy to have found you and your blog and a few mutual interesting bloggers to boot. warm regards and may there be many more years to come. >> Gina

  9. Hi J - so good to reach such a milestone; keep on rusting, stitching and sharing. B

    1. It is amazing to think of all the good that has come my way via this little blog of mine. Meeting you and Fiona ranks at the top. Enjoy!

  10. Congratulations on five years, Jennifer! Your blog is special not only for the beautiful work that you create (and your generosity in allowing others to see/learn about your process), but also because of your gift for storytelling. I have enjoyed your art math, your stitching, dying/rusting & teabag adventures, and your foray into artist's books in more recent years. Here's wishing you many more years of creating & sharing!

    1. Thank you Lisa! My mom would tell you that I've been telling stories all my life...and she's right. It's as much a part of me as the art is - they're intermingled and that's how it should be, don't you think?

      I'm honored that you found my blog and are sharing the journey. Enjoy!
