
Monday, May 29, 2017

Santa Fe Retreat 2017 - Story Tiles

Way back in 2010, I took a big piece of black linen and painted it white, added a tad of yellow, stamped a story within a story and then added other surface design elements before cropping it several times. A post from January 23, 2011 shows my thought process along the way as well as 88 of the 106 story tiles.

All this time, the tiles have rested quietly in a bin in my studio closet. Once or twice a year, I take them out for a few days and ponder just what the next step is. Ideas have played hide and seek with me...until I decided that they were the perfect thing to bring to Santa Fe to work on. If you follow me on Instagram, then you know that I've been

Jennifer Coyne Qudeen, work in progress 2017

stitching circles,

Jennifer Coyne Qudeen, work in progress 2017

Jennifer Coyne Qudeen, work in progress 2017

and lines,  

Jennifer Coyne Qudeen, work in progress 2017

Jennifer Coyne Qudeen, work in progress 2017

stamping and 

Jennifer Coyne Qudeen, work in progress 2017

writing stories. 

Jennifer Coyne Qudeen, work in progress 2017

I've been cutting and layering, 

Jennifer Coyne Qudeen, work in progress 2017

trying to decide which is really the front

Jennifer Coyne Qudeen, work in progress 2017

and which is the back.

Jennifer Coyne Qudeen, work in progress 2017

I've set a challenge for myself - to see how many story tiles can be finished during my time here. In the process, the thresh hold of my comfort zone is being tested. It feels good to stretch and push my creative play, to think what if and then find out.


  1. the pleasure and pain of 'what if' ! Lovely to stop by here and see the magic begin.

    1. Thanks for stopping by Mary Ann! What ifs can be a bit tricky, can't they? It's always fun to follow the idea and see where it leads. Enjoy!
