
Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Permission to Play

I am pleased to announce that I will be teaching a mark making workshop, entitled Permission to Play, at Patricia Baldwin Seggebruch's OPENstudio in Lexington, Kentucky October 4-7, 2017.

Come and try your hand at my favorite mark making techniques at the beginning of the week

and round it out with Lorie McCown as she guides you through the process of telling your story with cloth. 

It's sure to be a fun-filled, highly creative, art packed 7 days. For more information, just click here.
Hope to see you in Kentucky next October!


  1. Sounds wonderful Jennifer - I love the title and all that it offers...hope it goes fabulously well!

  2. Hiya JQ - talk about planning ahead - hope folk flock in to play. B

  3. I've been enjoying your Instagram posts, Jennifer, but haven't been blog browsing for a good many months - makes me realize what I have been missing! I love the whole premise of "Permission to Play" - congratulations on the planned workshop, as well as all of the other wonderful things you have been up to over here. (I love that you brought your daughters along to witness the monks & their mandala-making :)

  4. kentucky will be gorgeous then. glad you will be teaching!
