
Friday, August 26, 2016


I've been in a contemplative mood recently. No doubt in part because school begins next week and my not-so-little urchins (only 2 and 3 inches shorter than me now) will be entering 4th grade. Much merriment will be happening at my house as soon as they board the bus...or I'll completely be a couch potato for a day or two in order to adjust.

Back to my contemplative state...

 foremost in my thoughts is

what to do next?

What story to tell with my art?

The red boat has a sister piece that is languishing in the sun,

begun weeks ago and waiting for me to pick up the thread of the story and continue.

And then there are the water reflections from a myriad of places,

most recently the Currituck Sound in North Carolina and

the bridges on the Three Rivers of Pittsburgh that continually call to me.

Should I use cloth or paper?

Should the story be told subtly yet in your face on the wall or more quietly in book?

Can one have multiple series of work in progress at the same time and not be thought totally mad?

Such has been the fodder for my ponderings this week. What have you been mulling over lately?


  1. Love the pictures ....
    (and recognize the contemplations ;-) ... )

    1. I suppose the contemplations are universal after all. Nice to know. Enjoy!

  2. Oh those photos. They're enough to snd anybody into contemplative mode.

    1. Thank you Jeanne! It was fun to photograph the shells and bits. Enjoy!

  3. Great images for contemplating - thank you for sharing - my own thoughts have also been coastal - I look forward to hearing more

    1. Thank you Rosie! It's funny - we've lived in Connecticut for 10 years now and the Connecticut section of the Long Island Sound is fairly close, yet when I think coast/beach/ocean, it's further south in Virginia or the Carolina's. The coast is in my backyard...I just need to go to it. Enjoy!

  4. The answers to your questions are yes, yes and yes. :-)

    Have you looked at Karen Ruane's work? Her work on paper is exquisite and her online classes are fabulous.

    1. Can you give the link to Karen's work? I found one who marbles paper and another (or I think it's another) who stitches and gives workshops. Is it the same Karen Ruane? If so, awesome!!! Thanks!


      Also see her work in progress on Instagram. Her journals or "ledgers" (because they are evidence of process) are amazing. I took one of her Alchemy courses online and it was life changing. She has a wrapping cloth class starting soon.

  5. i always have multiple somethings on the go.... no time to get to them though :D xxxx

    1. Multiple projects (like 3 books) or varied projects (like rust on cotton, photos on tea bags, books, photos on cotton)? I look at my studio and it almost looks like 3 or 4 artists are in there, not just me.

      As active as your kids are, I am in total awe of you and your ability to create. Love what you've been doing lately and especially the Looking Up series. When will the book be available? Enjoy!
