
Friday, July 15, 2016

Pocket Accordion Book

Perhaps this series of posts (yes, there will be more) should be titled Further Adventures in Book Making with Esther K Smith as it's all one big informative experiment following her instructions in How to Make Books.

You see, I love books. Everything about them - from perusing the shelves of book stores to reading them; admiring and appreciating the fonts used, the paper, the feel and whisper of the pages as they are turned. And then there are the stories contained within... Just heavenly.

Yesterday while the house was quiet, I decided to attempt making a pocket accordion book

 following the diagrams only.

After selecting several pieces of Crate & Barrel bags, I set about cutting and folding the paper, ending with six long pages

that I decided to stitch together before folding them into an accordion.

 I also stitched along the folds to add texture

as well as support and separation to the pockets.

The finished pages measure 5" x 7" - the perfect size to hold a 4" x 6" postcard. There's a little flap that overlaps on the front to help hold the book closed. Using an extra piece of the paper bag, I quickly made a wrap that fits over the whole book. This little beauty is going to Pittsburgh with me at the end of the month when I venture out to see Fiberart International 2016.


  1. I am enjoying these posts about books. Keep them coming.

  2. I feel the same as you do about books; they have always been my refuge and entertainment. I really like your pocket accordion book, and may try one myself. I just posted one I made on my blog. It's not stitched like yours, just one long folded piece of printmaking paper. Thanks for the great inspiration!

    1. Yes! I love your statement that books are your "refuge and entertainment". There's nothing quite like a book that you just can't put down until it's finished. And I keep thinking about joining a book club, but don't want to have to dissect the stories...kinda like movies where I don't look for the deeper meaning...'cause they're entertainment and a refuge.

      The pocket accordion was so much fun to make. What a great idea for a vessel to hold bits collected on a trip. Great way to display a group of items too...I'm thinking of my feather collection... Enjoy!

  3. I think you might enjoy my little book (pockets) Jennifer. Here's the link:

    I've enjoyed reading this post. Endless fun...Norma *smiles*

    1. Your comment had me smiling as well Norma. Thank you! Your little book is really cool. Have you made more? Enjoy!

  4. Hi J - must have been such a treat to get studio time; and to sit and create something just for the delight of it; and of course there had to be some stitching in there. Continue to enjoy. B

    1. Any studio time these days is a treasure. Enjoy!

  5. Hi Jennifer! So glad you're enjoying the book about making books! I look forward to seeing your collection grow :-)

    1. I'm having a blast! Thank you for bringing your copy to the meeting to share.

  6. Oh my goodness - you know what happens once you start making books don't you J? Yes obsession here we come! It is one of the world's great delights to make a book and see it look and act and be a book! So much you can do with this one - keep having fun!
