
Friday, April 1, 2016

The Red Boat - in progress #3

There's been a whole lot of piecing materials together,

stepping back to look,

noticing little details and, of course,


There's even been a curator's visit and selection for an upcoming exhibition so, while the full piece can't be shared yet, The Red Boat is complete. Well, as complete as a work is sans hanging device. Does that count?

My mind is now contemplating what to make of the remnants...


  1. I enjoyed reading and seeing this piece develop. Love the photo of the piece in the sewing machine. I'm looking forward to seeing the completed piece. Too bad I live in California because I would love to see the exhibit. It's been a few years since I made my last large piece using tea bag papers. You have inspired me to start thinking of a new project using this material.

    1. Thank you Mia! I just took a look at your Peeled Away series using tea bags. Stunning!

  2. Congrats on finishing The Red Boat! As for the remnants–– it would be interesting to see you chop up the pieces, mix them up, turn them around, and reassemble them, a la collage style. I'm intrigued to see what you do with them. They could be as engaging as The Red Boat.

    1. Thank you Karen! I had to laugh at your description of what you'd do with the remnants...because that's exactly what the plan is. I've 32 4x4 squares covered with tea bag collages to present intimate moments/memories and want to have 100 of them. These remnants (there are more that don't really show in the photo as they're still on the printed sheets) should definitely put me over 50 and possibly even to 60.

      Love your progress on the 2x2 collages. How many do you have now?


  3. Sad we will have to wait longer to see it finished, glad you have been selected for the exhibition. The pieces you have shown look fantastic.

    1. Sorry to tease everyone with snippets of the piece, but I do promise to post full shots as soon as it is hung in the exhibition. It's been quite an experience to take on a tea bag piece this big - it measures approximately 72 inches x 55 inches and dominates my little studio. Ideas are flowing for what comes next. Almost too many ideas actually...bit paralyzing. Perhaps I should put them all in a hat and let one of my little urchins choose what comes next? Enjoy!

  4. Congrats about getting into the exhibit! Seems strange not to be in touch on a monthly basis (Roy)...looks like all is going well with you!

  5. Hi J - what an uplifting feeling the excellent completion of a major work must be. This piece will surely be one that puts you even more firmly on the art and collectable map. So glad we have a piece of yours in our home. Go well. B

  6. How wonderful that such a worthy piece is already being recognised! I can hardly imagine how amazing it must feel to complete it and to think thou what you have achieved. Looking forward to whatever is next...go well.
