
Tuesday, January 26, 2016


What comes to mind when you think of January? For several of my friends, January has become a month of play and experimentation in the studio. They've given themselves permission to wonder what if and then to pursue the thought wherever it leads.

For me, January is a time of refocusing. Time to take stock and decide what to keep,

what to purge or repurpose, what to listen to.

The tea bags are fairly singing these days.

It is also a time to simplify. My new waiting = stitching series embodies this. What began as an experiment in embracing chaos and the wabi sabi-ness of life has quickly become one my favorite creative endeavors.

And then there's the January sun that demands one to stop and admire it as it streams through the windows and reflects off the snow. We scraped through with only 14 or so inches as compared to my brother's 30+.

January will soon be turning into February and I'll pause to wonder just how we got to February already? After all, it was just New Year's Day a few days ago...


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you Karen! Several are getting a facelift...of sorts. Enjoy!

  2. january is a long month, good for exploring in both directions perhaps.

    1. Yes. It's been a very introspective kind of month as well.

  3. "The wabi sabi of life" - love that. And the title "waiting" is perfect. Totally speaks to me.

    1. With little ones of your own, you certainly understand the impetus behind the "waiting" series. What do you work on while waiting during sports practice and after school lessons? Just wondering...

  4. Love the tea bags, its difficult to get square ones any more over here they all seem to be round these days.

    1. Lots of round ones here as well plus several companies are using those triangular shaped cloth (polyester-ish netting) bags. I really don't like those.

  5. Jennifer, your tea bag assemblages continue to be stunning. Such complexity and delicacy! May I ask what shade of gorgeous gray thread you're using?

    1. Thank you Liz! The gray is called nickel. It's a really nice, warm neutral gray. The Amazon link is below. Enjoy!

  6. Love these pieces....especially the tea bag quilt-like piece! Wonderful! Cheers....and here's to February, just around the corner! -- Patti

    1. Many thanks Patti! I'm a great admirer of your own tea bag work. Such an inspriration!

  7. A big fan of these tea bags beauties! Ahh January, I've started one exploration with two lined up behind...nice to stay in and truly take the only complaint is drying time!

    1. "one exploration with two lined up behind"

      Oooh - that's got my curiosity peaked. So...whatcha exploring? I see you've been making boxes...

    2. Yes, boxes and more the queue is a question of monoprint on cloth as a starter. Always listed are ways to use beads. Hard to believe its Jan 28th?

  8. J - what is not to love about the 'rust' in the tea bags; and the resilience of the paper - perfect way to start a year. Go well. B

    1. Thank you Barry! Rust + tea + paper is the beginnings of a good year. Enjoy!

  9. It's nice to have an introspective month. Our January can be a bit like that too I guess, altho it is usually so hot we aren't doing much at all...this year has been a quiet start and I'm not sure where to next; but am beginning to wonder what next? which is a start!

    1. Wondering what next is a good step, isn't it? I'm been thinking about our meetings in NYC and wishing you could have been here this year to experience our very un-winter like weather. Was 60F yesterday. Still cooler than your summer, but it felt like our spring. Even the birds were out sunning and singing.

      Here's to a year of discovering what's next!
