
Friday, October 2, 2015

Santa Fe - Wednesday

The studio that Pam and I are staying in this week is aptly named, Radiant Light Art Studio, because with the vast expanse of sky overhead, the light here is just that - radiant, magical, warming, soulful...especially at the days' beginning and end.

Vibrant sunrises are always breathtaking and fill one with the promise of possibilities for the day ahead. 

After spending the better part of Monday and Tuesday printing a multitude of circles across 10 feet of Rives BFK (11" x 120" total length, made from four 11" x 30" pieces stitched end to end to create a roll), it was time to crop whole thing into pieces measuring 5.5" high by varying widths.

 Canal Paper pads by La Papeterie St-Armand
At some point in early morning, we decided to venture into Santa Fe proper, not for the galleries or museums, but for the best art supply store ever, Artisan Art Supplies. It's an artist's dream playground and we could have spent all day there, happily browsing and strolling the isles...and adding to our growing stack of goods to purchase.

Our tummies were beginning to rumble though so we ventured over to Revolution Bakery for lunch. Revulution is a 100% gluten free bakery. The mullet bread and brioche are delicious.

Back at the studio, I began stitching the cropped circles together

 with the intention of making them into a book.

On the other side of the studio, Pam was ready for a bit of mark making 

on her new roll of printmaking paper.

I've seen the whole piece and it is exquisite - big, bold, exuding energy with a Zen sensibility. 

As has become our ritual, 

Pam and I took time to sit and breathe in the glory of the sunset.


  1. I just read the details about the studio ... simply amazing!!!!

    1. It is an amazing place and Belinda, the owner, is a wonderful person. Pam and I plan to continue to return for years. Enjoy!

  2. Beautiful photos, the 'piece' looks amazing! Ruth x

    1. Thank you Ruth! Trust me, the "piece" is amazing. Enjoy!
