
Thursday, August 6, 2015

Sandra Brownlee at Long Ridge Farm - Day 1

This week finds me at Long Ridge Farm in Westmoreland, NH.

Nestled in the mountains, 

it's a place where sheep wander, 

where Luna greets each visitor enthusiastically and

where Sandra Brownlee is teaching her wondrous  
Tactile Notebooks and the Written Word.

It will be a week for reflecting, for looking deep into one's self and for discoveries.

The workshop, aka the sheep barn, where the magic happens.

You might remember that I was very fortunate to have taken Sandra's workshop at Big Cat Textiles in Newburgh, Scotland back in 2013. For those posts, click on the days - day 1, day 2, day 3, day 4 morning, day 4 class, day 5 and after

My laptop cord seems to be in hiding at the moment...or is still sitting on my studio chair where I put it so I wouldn't forget it....yes, I'm an idiot. As this is likely the only post the laptop can produce before the battery runs out, I'd like to suggest visiting my Instagram page (the link is in the sidebar) to follow along with the week. More blog posts will follow once I'm home and can recharge the laptop. Thanks for understanding!


  1. Good wishes for a wonderful week of interactions and creations.

  2. Lucky you, looking forward to seeing the results when you return, hope you have a good week

  3. Wow - how amazing - I follow both you and Velma on the blogs and suddenly there you are together - what a wonderful world!! You look like you had a wonderful time creating!! Wow!!

    1. It's always fun when bloggers come together. After following Velma's blog for a while, I finally met her in person last summer in Cleveland when I took a workshop from her. This time round it was like seeing an old friend again. Wonderful all round!

  4. Just finding this as I am processing myself, didn't know you posted while we were there. I never looked at social media the whole week, which was so relaxing. Looking forward to all your posts. xox

    1. I only posted this first post. Someone (me) left their laptop power cord at home and the battery ran down far too soon...

  5. Hi J - looks like a wonderful escape. So good to catch up with artist friends. Go well. B

    1. "a wonderful escape"

      Yes. A bit of farm therapy combined with art spa.

  6. Looks like a wonderful place to make art. Can't wait to see what you made!

    1. Long Ridge Farm is very conducive to the creative process. Given the beauty of the place, I could see writing workshops there as well. Birdsong filled the air as Mother Nature graced us with perfect weather. Enjoy!
