
Thursday, March 19, 2015

Searching for Roy G Biv - Yellow - update

I feel like the White Rabbit this morning - I'm late! I'm late! For a very important date! No time to say hello, goodbye! I'm late! I'm late! I'm late!

How's the old adage go? Better late than never? I'm taking that route. Enjoy my yellows!

building in Bridgeport, CT

goldfinch at our feeder

chocolate shop in Cleveland, OH

kayaks all in a row, Corolla, NC

sign along the train tracks in NY

New Haven, CT store window

part of our rubber duck collection


Cleveland Botanical Garden

Hungering for more yellow? You're in luck. Take a stroll over to these blogs to see what treasures await:

Julie has yellows found around the house
Fiona features a work by Rosalie Gascoigne
Roxanne shares yellows found on her travels
Elfi has brilliance in the sun
Eric found yellow in his art
Linda found yellow in her studio
Sharmon takes us on a tractor ride
Mary Ann found painterly yellows


Lisa of arzigogolare has the most magnificent photos of lemons that I have ever seen.
Susan over at tracemarks decided to join in the search with earthy yellows. 


It's not too late to join in the search. Just let Julie or me know if you've yellows to share and we'll link to your post. Enjoy!


April 16 - green  
May 21 - blue
June 18 - indigo
July 16 - violet
August 20 -brown
September 17 -gold

October 15 -grey
November 19 -pink

December 17 - blogger's choice


  1. Thank you, again, Jennifer for including me in this wonderful display. It really makes me look and look, again.

  2. Proof it is never too late...wonderful yellow photos!

  3. un joli petit oiseau... jaune et rare :)))

  4. What a great range of yellows, from the quiet, natural tones in the first images to the kayak yellow and those crazy bright boots! The musical members of your rubber duck collection made me smile...
    As always, it's great fun to see what you, Julie and the others have found - thanks again for the inspiration to play along each month...

  5. What a lovely range of colour, soft and subtle to rich and vibrant. I especially enjoyed the rubber ducks and the New Haven boots ... oh for the courage to wear them!

  6. Hi J - love the kayak image - such ripples of yellow. B

  7. A nice collection of yellows. The boots made me really smile!

  8. I'm voting with my feet - those boots!!!
