
Thursday, March 5, 2015

Make your mark

The March/April issue of Cloth Paper Scissors arrived a few days ago.

It's thrilling and still a bit surreal to hold the magazine in my hands 
and turn the pages to find my column. 

In Unconventional Tools part 2, I make a confession and share tips on using 
thread, yarn and cardboard to create lines with soul and character.


  1. Did you just get your copy? I've had mine for a while now! Been meaning to say "congrats"...It's fun for me to read your column..."I know the author!" Hope all is well as the next snow storm hits...DC is closed down in anticipation.

    1. Ha! We should have an "I know the author" party next time we get together. Share a toast of something bubbly at least.

      We're all okay up here. The snow seems to have stopped. Best part is that John flew back from Minnesota yesterday - his original flight was for today into LaGuardia. Hope you're all inside and warm!

  2. Wow, I missed your article. Will go back and look. My friend Stacey Hogue is also in this issue. Congratulations! It is a good feeling( and it doesn't get old the second or third time!) Can't wait to see where your work pops up next!

    1. I love Stacey's story. Check out page 23 for my column. Be interested in hearing what you think. Enjoy!

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you Sue! I've been wondering what readers thought of it. I hope it's helpful...or at least sounds semi-intelligent... Enjoy!

  4. Congratulations Jennifer. So great to be able to hear your voice in every issue!

    1. Thank you Seth! I love the advice you offer as well. Your approach to mistakes/opportunities is brilliant.

  5. Congratulations, Jennifer - how exciting!

  6. big congratulations! it's just grand to see an article you wrote appear. it's happened to me so i know exactly how you feel. savor this, and enjoy a wee bit of "atta-girl". you totally deserve it.

    1. Many thanks Velma! Even though I know that I'll be in all 6 2015 issues, it's still surreal to see that article come together - my words and art with CPS's photos and layout. Time to write the next one!

  7. I'm totally there with Velma - you go girrrrrrl! How fabulous and I'm sure people look forward to reading you each month. I still sing that song in my head you know - "You're in a magazine"...big smile.

    1. Should I admit that I waited until the house was empty before I danced and sang "I'm in a magazine..." Ha! See what the urchins started.

  8. Hi J - it must be a sign of out warped minds but in our household we just love the sound and vision of the urchins singing the praise of their mother being in a magazine - and now it has happened yet again - this song and image may get permanently planted in our minds. Well done - good to know that we know and call a star a friend. B

    1. Oh...the giggles that escape (me) when I picture you and Fiona singing or humming "You're in a magazine. You're in a magazine..." It is a catchy little tune, isn't it? I'm lucky to have a featured column in the 2015 issues of Cloth Paper Scissors so I'll enjoy it while possible. Not sure what 2016 will bring...a renewal or a polite Thank you, but once was enough...

      Me - a star? Ha! Good one. Thanks!
