
Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Sandra Brownlee's Tactile Notebooks and the Written Word

Sandra Brownlee is going to be working her magic this summer = teaching her magnificent Tactile Notebooks and the Written Word workshop August 5-9 at Long Ridge Farm in Westmoreland, New Hampshire. 

I experienced Sandra's life changing class in 2013 and will be doing so again this August. Sandra's gentle teachings have had tremendous impact on my art. Not a day goes by without remembering and incorporating something from Tactile Notebooks and the Written Word.

If you're thinking about taking the class and are wondering what it might be like, take a look at my posts from the 2013 class - day 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. To register, click here.

Hope to see you in August!


  1. Hi J - sounds like a great inspiration injection. B

  2. this looks wonderful, especially intrigued since you say it was life-changing! how fortunate to be able to take another class with her.

    1. Autumn, I'd always wanted to make art on a certain level - full of emotion and meaning even if I was the only one who knew the meaning. Through Sandra's teachings, I finally tapped into that well within myself in during the class and have continued to expand upon it since. Shame you can't join us!

  3. Lucky you. I would love to do another class with her, she is very inspirational.

  4. Thank you for posting these links ... even though (especially because) I won't be able to attend the workshop. As I am currently pondering a stitch notebook of my own, I found this most inspirational.

    1. You're very welcome Liz. I highly recommend Sandra's workshop if you ever get the chance. I think that anyone who has taken it will tell you that it's so much more than notebooks and words.

  5. I happily count Sandra as a friend and would wholeheartedly leap into taking this class with her again...especially being in the beautiful New Hampshire woods...if I weren't otherwise engaged n Europe at the same time. Dang.

    1. What a treat it would have been to see you again India. Darned shame about Europe. Ha! Stay tuned. You know I'll post about class. Enjoy!

  6. What a great shot. I remember these posts from before and look forward to your series of new ones!

    1. It was a magical class/location Seth. I'm looking forward to round 2.
