
Friday, February 6, 2015

Odd Volumes - part 4, the last...maybe

Part 4 of my visit to Yale University Art Gallery in New Haven to see Odd Volumes, Book Art from the Allan Chasanoff Collection. 


Sylvia Ptak, Unbound, full

Sylvia Ptak, Unbound, detail

Sylvia Ptak, Unbound, detail

Canadian, born 1942

Unbound, 1998

cotton gauze and pigment


Jacqueline Rush Lee, Cube

Jacqueline Rush Lee, Cube

Jacqueline Rush Lee, Cube

British, active in America, born 1964

Cube, 2001

found and altered books


 Pamela Paulsrud, Landscape Narratives II, full from above

 Pamela Paulsrud, Landscape Narratives II, detail

 Pamela Paulsrud, Landscape Narratives II, detail

American, born 1951

Landscape Narratives II, ca. 2003

found and altered books and stones


  Scott McCarney, Hanging Index, full

  Scott McCarney, Hanging Index, detail

  Scott McCarney, Hanging Index, detail

American, born 1954

Hanging Index, 1992

found and cut hanging copy of Who's Who in America 
with a metal chain


 Hiroaki Ohya, The Wizard of Jeanz #20, full
 Hiroaki Ohya, The Wizard of Jeanz #20, detail
 Hiroaki Ohya, The Wizard of Jeanz #20, detail

Japanese, born 1970

The Wizard of Jeanz #20, 1999

artist's book with denim and sailcloth


Brian Dettmer, The Volume Library, full

Brian Dettmer, The Volume Library, detail

American, born 1974

The Volume Library, 2010

found and cut illustrated encyclopedia with glue


Jonathan Callan, Conserving Life on Earth

Jonathan Callan, Conserving Life on Earth

Jonathan Callan, Conserving Life on Earth

English, born 1961

Conserving Life on Earth, 2005

found paperback books with drywall screws


Jeff Woodbury, Redline, full

Jeff Woodbury, Redline, detail

American, born 1959

Redline, 2005

found and cut copy of New York City 5 Borough Pocket Atlas


Xu Bing, Red Book, full

Xu Bing, Red Book, detail

Xu Bing, Red Book, detail

Chinese, active in America, born 1955

 Red Book, 2000

cigarettes with ink in two metal cases


 Xu Bing, Book from the Sky, full

 Xu Bing, Book from the Sky, detail

 Xu Bing, Book from the Sky, detail

 Xu Bing, Book from the Sky, detail

Chinese, active in America, born 1955

Book from the Sky, 1991

4 hand-printed artist's books in a wooden case


I'm very curious...of the books that I photographed - and there were far more left unrecorded - which are your favorites? Which speak to you, make you yearn to pick them up and inspect them? To crawl inside and climb the fibers of their structure? To share a cuppa with their creator and discuss books and art? Do any elicit a strong emotion - joy, anger, frustration, ennui?

The plan was to let this be the last post about Odd Volumes, yet I find myself wanting to share my favorites and have my say about them. Do you mind?


Again, I'd like to request that if you happen to post any of my photos of the work in Odd Volumes to another site (pinterest, tumblr), you take care to credit the artist and to give me photo credit as well. All photos were taken by me on January 29, 2015. Thank you! 


  1. Please do another post with favourites and why! I am heading to bed here in Oz, but would love to have chat about them - that first one today (Sylivia Ptak) really spoke to me, but I would love to have a proper consideration and then exchange thoughts...

  2. Oh Jennifer, how I wish I could see this exhibit. Thank you for sharing. I am drawn to Sylvia Ptak's Unbound (probably no surprise) for its lovely quietness, Maria Lai's Book for its stitchery qualities. And Jonathan Callan's Poem. So much to love in this exhibit!

  3. I would be hard pressed to choose a favorite... they all speak in different languages to me.. thank you

  4. Extraordinary. I'm also drawn to Unbound, but they're all beckoning me to take a second and third and fourth look.

  5. I've already tipped my hand with my wish to see the verso of Maria Lai's asemic page ... sadly, she is no longer of this world.
    And yes, I would love to see your take on the ones that touched you and why.

  6. I have enjoyed every part of this, and think it would be wonderful if you shared your favorites with us- along with some explanation. I'm looking forward to it!

  7. Have loved this tour of the exhibit! I was going to give you my top five likes, but it turned into seven. The order is just from day one to day four...they are quite different, but have the same presence in my view. Here goes.... Georgia Boyd Russell - Nest, Jonathan Callan - Rational Show, Adele Outteridge - Vessels, Bill Wheelock - Big Book, Sylvia Ptak - Unbound and finally Xu Bing - Book from the Sky (for the memory of his beautiful exhibit we spent hours in at the Sackler Gallery in Washington, DC years ago).

  8. my first time seeing sylvia ptak's work and i really liked it. of course this post is full of amazing work, but that piece really moved me.

  9. What an impressive exhibit. Thanks once again for brining it to all of us!

  10. more more more! I am familiar with some of the works you've shared (but I've not seen xu bing's 'book' presented this way -- fascinating) --- I'm loving the 'landscape narratives' and like others I Sylvia Ptak's work --- but it must have been magic seeing them all together in an exhibition --- I only ever get to see pics of book works that intrigue me....
