
Saturday, November 22, 2014

A letter to share

Even before the World of Threads Festival 2014 officially opened, the announcements for it had me dreaming of attending - in large part because two of my favorite artists, Christine Mauersberger and Judy Martin have work in it. 

Since then, I have marveled at the quality of work in the exhibitions comprising the festival. A happy dance has been done each time a communication came from World of Threads that featured Christine's or Judy's work. The latest letter features both brilliantly and I couldn't resist sharing it.


Hello Jennifer,
We wanted to give you an update about the World of Threads Festival 2014:

The Festival opening weekend was fantastic. We had nearly 1,000 people through one venue alone on Saturday afternoon, Nov. 1. We were thrilled to have 48 of the 97 artists participating in the Festival, in attendance on the opening weekend. These artists came form across Canada, the USA, from the UK and from France. Other artists have been visiting since and more are expected before the Festival closes. 

It's not too late for you to visit. The Festival is on for a further two weeks and closes at 5:00 pm on Nov. 30, 2014. Below are some photos. We'll be posting full albums after the festival on the website.

For full info, directions, maps, hours, etc., click:

Dawne & Gareth

Dawne Rudman - Festival Chair & Curator
Gareth Bate - Festival Curator & Designer
Not To Know But To Go On by Judy Martin of Manitoulin Island, Ontario, Canada, Solo Shows and Installations, Corridor Galleries of Queen Elizabeth Park Community & Cultural Centre, Oakville.
The Red and the Black exhibition, Installation view, in The Gallery, Queen Elizabeth Park Community & Cultural Centre, Oakville, Ontario, Canada.
Timelines by Christine Mauersberger of Cleveland, Ohio, USA, displayed in The Red and the Black exhibition, in The Gallery, Queen Elizabeth Park Community & Cultural Centre, Oakville, Ontario, Canada.
Winter by Melanie Siegel of Richmond HIll, Ontario, Canada, Solo Shows and Installations, Corridor Galleries of Queen Elizabeth Park Community & Cultural Centre, Oakville.
strung out and undone exhibition, installation view, at The Gallery Space, Living Arts Centre, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada.
The biennial World of Threads Festival is a showcase of local, national and international contemporary fibre and textile art. It is based in Oakville, Ontario where it began in 1994. This year we expanded into Mississauga. The Festival is organized by Dawne Rudman and Gareth Bate and attracts visitors from around the world.

Featuring 255 artworks by 97 artists from Australia, Canada, France, Hungary, Germany, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, UK and USA.

Feedback from patrons and artists has been fabulous. People are amazed at the wonderful array of work on display.  We thought it would be fun to share with you some behind-the-scenes images.

We also wanted to mention that most of the artwork in the Festival is available to purchase. If you see anything that appeals to you and which you would like to buy, please let us know and we can arrange the sale.

Check the Website for info about: 
  • All Exhibitions
  • Downloadable Brochure
  • Maps & Directions
  • Artists Lists
  • Artworks
  • Weekly Fibre Artist Interviews and Curator Interviews

Be sure to subscribe on the website for updates.
We hope you get to visit.  The work is amazing, you're bound to enjoy it.

World of Threads Festival
Local, National & International Contemporary Fibre Art
Phone:       905 844-3847


  1. Wow -- what a lot of interesting work! Thank you for sharing it with us.

    1. You're very welcome! World of Threads also does wonderful, in-depth artist interviews as a regular feature. Definitely worth checking out. Enjoy!

  2. Thank you for posting this letter, Jennifer.
    I agree that the interviews with the many artists world wide are well worth visiting.


    1. You're most welcome Judy. I truly wish it had been possible to attend and to meet you. Next time?

  3. I am amazed at how much creativity there is in fiber shows... and on such large scale... wow.

    1. Donna, there is tremendous creativity and artistry at fiber shows - especially in one like World of Threads that spans the spectrum of fiber rather choosing to feature only one technique or product (quilt/basket). Fiber is so inclusive as a whole regarding techniques and materials. Of course, it's always fun to discover an artist who truly stretches the boundaries of what is considered fiber art. Enjoy!
