
Thursday, July 17, 2014

Searching for Roy G Biv 3 - Violet, update 2

July's installment in the search for Roy G Biv snuck up on me. So much so that no reminder was ever posted. My apologies to all!

The oversight is fault of the cold that had me in bed or on the couch snuggling under a blanket for the past week+. The insult-to-injury of it is that I'd managed to escape getting the numerous colds or bouts of strep that either of my little urchins brought home during the past school year. Summer comes, we go to Washington, DC for July 4th and my souvenir was a cold that knocked me out. That's why things have been so quiet here lately.

Now! On to Roy G Biv and violet. It came as a shock yesterday when I opened my violet folder and found it totally empty. Could have sworn I'd photographed purples along the way. No doubt they're hiding somewhere on the laptop and are having a good laugh about now.

After a stroll through older posts, I selected a few of my favorite violets. Enjoy!

Imagine Peace by Fiona Dempster

detail of Scenes from a Marriage by Richard Saja

green tea rusted cotton, 2012, still waiting...

London restaurant, 2012

London street piano, 2012

graffiti, London, 2012

card from Pam
(remember she lives in the US Oz)

the little urchins' chairs
Meesha loves them too!

Hop on over to see what violet delights Julie and Fiona are sharing. If you've violets to share, just leave a comment for Julie or myself and we'll be happy to link to your post.


Update 1 - Need more violet? Lisa found magnificence in Seattle, Mary Ann shares her abstracts, Sharmon's Book of Dreams is enthralling and Maya's purple house has me yearning to paint...


Update 2 - Charlton Stitcher has posted violets from her holiday as well as a few of the stitching kind.
Yarngoddess at Sooner or Later is sharing the bounty of violets in her garden.


August's color is pink

August 21 - pink
September 18 - black
October 16 - white
November 20 - brown
December 18 - blogger's choice


  1. Wonderful last minute violet finds ... I like the London choices. I'm over here with my finds and will take a cruise around for more violet!

    1. The London photos are some of my favorites as well. I strolled along Brick Lane and was amazed at the amount and quality of the graffiti. Just couldn't stop photographing it.

  2. Jennifer, you always find your color in the most interesting places, and these are no exception. wonderful photos! My violet post is up, too!

    1. Thank you Sharmon! Your violets are wonderful. It's your Book of Dreams detail that has captivated me though. Ahhh....

  3. Mmmmm...chocolate! Love your violets girl! Hope that you're feeling much better. Sorry I missed you over July 4th (you sneaky traveler!)

    1. Thank you my dear! Sorry about the quick visit to was Thursday-Sunday. We did visit the Torpedo Factory briefly - and I do mean briefly. The urchins were interested, but "there was nothing for them to do". Need to take them down for Art Safari one year. Safe travels back home!

  4. A fascinating and varied selection of violet. You provoke guilt! I have been so busy recently - too many holidays, too many things going on - and I haven't much to show - but I'll try tomorrow.

    1. Oh my goodness! No guilt provoking was intended. So sorry for that. I'm happy that everyone is enjoying summer. It's my favorite season. Take your time posting violets, Just let me know when they're up so I can link. Enjoy!

  5. Lavender is my favorite color, flower and scent... so I love all your images... glad you are feeling better.

    1. Lavender is heavenly, isn't it? Have you ever cooked with it? Had a lovely lavender creme brulee once that had me dreaming of learning to make the dessert just to be able to add lavender.

      Hope you're having a wonderful summer!

  6. Well for somebody who went to the cupboard and the cupboard was bare; you did good! I still love the Hershey's and London and the green-tea stained cotton and....happy to see my peace piece there too! Glad you are feeling like you have returned to the land of the living - nothing, absolutely nothing, is like a summer cold. Stay well!

    1. Love your cupboard analogy! After the shock of finding the violet cupboard empty, I really need to look for pinks. Have 3 already, but need more.

      I think the cold is finally totally, absolutely gone. Good thing too cause there's far too much to do. Enjoy!

  7. Finally posted my violets - thank goodness for a reminder that magically appeared on the lawn this morning.


  8. I enjoyed my stroll through your stroll of violets, Jennifer! I love the incredibly varied selection, and I think the violet foil-wrapped kisses were the perfect choice to begin with (I know they grabbed my attention!).
    And thanks for organizing ROY, which is always a great excuse to focus your explorations with the camera or take a walk through the last months of photos that you haven't had a chance to look through properly : )

    1. Many thanks Lisa! The violet kisses are one of my favorite photos - of the girls having fun. I think they'd decided the kisses were in a parade across our kitchen island. One whole bag of them lined up nicely. Couldn't resist grabbing the camera.

      Thank you as well for joining in the fun and search for Roy. Your photos always amaze. Enjoy!
