
Saturday, June 7, 2014

In the studio


After having such a delightfully playful and fulfilling week at Pam's for our 5th annual artist retreat, it was difficult to be in my own studio...partly because it sorely needed cleaning, but mostly because it felt empty.

In between bouts of cleaning and organizing, papers were ordered - kozo, mylar, 2 thicknesses of Rives BFK. Impatient to continue the mark making, Thursday found me strolling the aisles of the local Jerry's Artarama and purchasing a few sheets to tide me over.

The Rives BFK took sumi ink amazingly well. The printmakers among you no doubt already know that, but it continues to be a revelation to me. The depth and almost 3D effect it gives has me falling in love and wanting to make marks all day.

(Please pardon the yellow tint - I forgot to change light modes on my camera to adjust for the hallogens. The paper really is white.)

And then there's kozo...


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you Robyn! It was so enjoyable to put some music on and just play. Enjoy!

  2. Great stuff! Got the paper out this week, too.

    1. Thank you! What did you do with paper - paint? dye? tear? No fair telling and not sharing photos.

      By the way...are the Rozanne of Quilter's Alley? Couldn't tell from your profile and wondered.

  3. Jennifer, I have just looked at all the posts from your 5th annual artist retreat, and what you have accomplished is exciting.
    I look forward to seeing what comes next in your work.

    1. Many thanks Judy! Pam and I had a wonderful week together. It's odd to realize that this was our first time collaborating, not just working together or assisting each other. Needless to say, the ideas are flowing. Enjoy!

  4. agree with judy.

    more, i love that line, " and then there's kozo..." get thee to the japanese paper place!

    1. Got a nice chuckle from your comment Velma. I'll head right over to The Japanese Paper Place! Any that you'd like to recommend? By the way, do they sell the paper for your class in Cleveland? I'm SO excited about it and can't wait to actually meet you. Enjoy!

  5. These are worth framing!! Love the energy - your week really does continue to flow - 5 concentrated days - a life time of influence!! Wow!!

    1. "5 concentrated days - a life time of influence"

      I love that Wyn! You totally captured the week with that statement. And that you think these marks are frame worthy brings a smile. Thank you!

  6. {{ fabric*love;
    paper*love }}


    never enough time to play
    never enough studio space to store


    1. Thank you my dear! Your words always bring a smile. And the last sentences are oh! so true. Never enough time or space. Enjoy!

  7. Great work! What weights of print making paper did you use and order?

    1. Thanks Stephanie! Let's see, the paper above is Rives BFK 250g (1st & 2nd shots), the last is kozo. I ordered, from Dick Blick, Rives BFK 250g & 280g as well as kozo and mylar. Still waiting for those to arrive.

      Are you a print maker? If so, I'd love to see your work or hear your thoughts on other papers to try.


  8. Amazing! Those lines are 3-dimensional even thru the computer screen - eek! There is flow and movement and a sense of ease and harmony happening - what a delightful time and space you must have been in!

    1. That's how it looks in person too!!! I know part of it is due to the way I made the marks, but holy cow! It's gorgeous as is...and very tempting to crop and frame.

      I was listening to music and simply responded to it. First time for that, actually, and it was such a wonderful feeling.

  9. Fabulous! Jennifer! Your marks are stunning and I felt as though I was riding a gentle wave while viewing!

  10. very beautiful and full of movement and energy...great...
