
Friday, May 9, 2014

Searching for Roy G Biv - Reminder revised

Just a quick reminder that next Thursday is the 3rd Thursday of the month and you know what that's Roy G Biv time. May's color is blue. Won't you join us?


On the 3rd Thursday of each month, you are invited to join the fun by posting photos on your blog that focus on the color of the month. If you let  Julie or myself know that you're participating via a comment on either blog, we will reference you and link to your blog. Originally, 5 photos were suggested, but we were having so much fun that that guideline was quickly forgotten.

The remaining 2014 calendar is below. A few colors have been added after the proper Roy G Biv search. We're open to ideas of colors - the metallics, for instance, or turquiose - so if there's a color you're passionate about, just let us know.

May 15 - blue
June 19 - indigo
July 17 - violet
August 21 - pink
September 18 - black
October 16 - white
November 20 - brown
December 18 - blogger's choice

1 comment:

  1. Hello! I'm ready a day early. (probably won't happen again) I have "blue" skies awaiting visitors.
    Have a great day, jill
