
Monday, May 26, 2014

5th Annual Artist Retreat - Day 1, Pam's marks

Greetings from Oz! The American version that is. You know the one...where Dorothy and Toto lived. The one that I journey to this time each year to get together with Pam. We play, experiment and create in her studio for a week. Yep. That Oz.

Pam has had a very productive year. And although I have seen the work via cyberspace, there is just nothing like seeing it in person.

I would love to show you the full pieces, however, there's one teensy issue - the matter of a 2 person show in July at the Lawrence Art Center.

With Pam's permission, I can share details of the work.

What caught my eye were the full of life and movement, dancing,

expressing exuberance

while maintaining an air of mystery.

Think water and light, reflections...

dancing and playing, teasing and resting.

Then there's this piece. The full work is remarkable and has me totally mesmerized. Good thing Pam moved it or else my week would be spent admiring it and listening to its stories. Not a bad way to spend one's time.


  1. inspiring time with artist/friends is so precious.

  2. How wonderful these glimpses are - and those holes and circles and that subtle colour palette and the stitch marks - tantalising ...!

  3. Oh my, every word you use to describe it is so apt - dancing, movement, exuberance, mystery - what a feast for the eyes! And there is nothing better than time together exploring, playing and creationg- it's just the best! Have a fabulous week - say hi to Pam...

    1. Pam says hi back. We've been wondering if your and Susan's ears are burning? Once again we've been talking about you both as if you were here too...which you are in spirit.

  4. The last piece is stunning. Wish I could see the whole piece!

    1. Trust me Robyn, the last piece is truly stunning. My detail shot is only a tiny bit of it. It's about 3 ft x 5 ft. Absolutely exquisite. As soon as the show is hung in July, I'll post it. Enjoy!

  5. I must say I completely agree with your assessment and description of Pam's work - amazing! That full piece would have certainly had me wanting to take it home and hang it on my wall so I could continue looking at it...

  6. Wow. Wow. Wow. Those images. Wow!
