
Monday, March 31, 2014

Snyderman Gallery 9th International Fiber Biennial - part 1

Early last week, back when the sun was strutting her stuff...when the air was warming...before the forecast called for rain, rain and more rain, I bought a train ticket to Philadelphia for Saturday. My intent was to visit Snyderman-Works Galleries to peruse their 9th International Fiber Biennial.

Two fiber biennials ago, I ventured to Philly midst much the same type of forecast and ended up soaked through from the hem of my raincoat down, umbrella turned inside out. Miserably wet and cold and just wanting to get home, Amtrak was stalled on the return trip for umpteen hours due to power outages in New York. Needless to say, fun is not an adjective to use for that journey. Remembering that trip, I debated, even after waking Saturday morning, whether or not to go. In the end, my curiosity won out.

As usual, my camera accompanied me. Not all pieces were photographable - too much glare from glass or lights or being too transparent...or photographer error. A click on 9th International Fiber Biennual above will take you to Snyderman's site where a full list of artists and pieces resides. 

Enjoy the photos!


gallery shot toward front door


Gold Rust, 2013
linen, horsehair, paint, metal
60" x 33"


Depth, 2013
indigo dyed horsehair coiled over black nylon core
24" x 4"

Energy, 2013
natural white horsehair coiled over black nylon core
26" x 3.5"

Motion, 2012
natural black horsehair coiled over nylon core
27" x 4"

 detail of Energy


Exuviate, 2013
twined linen and hand knotted netting
4' x 10" x 10"


Night Train, 2013
Jacquard woven and appliqued, cotton
27" x 36.5"


Beached, 2014
reed, driftwood, dyes
10" x 12" x 13"

 side view


The Round, 2007/8
coiled, waxed linen thread
21" x 16" x 13"


 Ferne Jacobs
Medusa's Collar, 2008
coiled, waxed linen thread
18" x 14" x 19"


Phoeniceus Has a Friend (Red Rabbit), 2013
found objects, mixed media
36" x 25" x 6"


Chakai, Tea Gathering, 2013
tea bags, silk, chopsticks, paper, cording, 
sumi brush, bamboo, paint, thread
48" x 16" x 1"


Tels, 2013
Ikat resist dyeing, handwoven cotton
80" x 75" x 10"


Twisted to Set 1, 2013
jasmine vine
16" x 16" x 3"


Where possible, I've linked to the artist's site. In not possible, a click on their name will take you to the Snyderman's artist page for that artist...with the exception of one...don't ask which one though because the name escapes me at the moment. Sorry!

Stay tuned for part 2. 


  1. Thank you for these Jennifer. I do appreciate the time that you took to travel there, photograph with a mind to sharing, and then actually posting the photos. It is generous of you as so many of us can not see the real thing.

    That being said - were you excited by what you saw? Did anything transform you, hit you in the heart?

    1. You are most welcome Judy! Thank you for your thoughts. your questions. Was I excited by what I saw? Yes and no, but that's always the way. There were several pieces that spoke to my heart. With the exception of Ann Coddington Rast's work, those pieces, quite by accident, will be in the next post. Enjoy!

  2. I wonder the same as Judy, what are your thoughts about the exhibit? I did jump over to Snydermans page to see all their photos. I wish I could have seen some of the work in person. Looking forward to your next post!

  3. What a wonderful exhibition, I would have been in my element, weaving and coiling, did the tea bags appeal to you?

    1. Did the tea bags appeal to me? I want to say yes, but in truth, not really. I think it was that they were so obviously used tea bags. Feel horrible admitting that. What did you think of that piece?

    2. You know in a way I kind of agree with you. I would think it looks great from a distance but not so much up close.

  4. Wow- the show looks absolutely amazing! I really appreciate that you've taken the time to share it with us, and I think your photos are quite good!

    1. Thank you Sharmon! Glad you enjoyed the photos.

  5. so i went backwards--from the second to the first post. i'm glad you shared so much with us, and i'm still glad that some of this work is absolutely amazing. it's great to see some of the best together in one place. i realize as i write this that the now defunct Fiberarts USED to do this.

    1. Fiberarts did a wonderful job of reviewing exhibitions and showing what was current in the fiber art world. I miss it.

      I'm happy to post like this anytime I'm able to visit a big exhibition.

      And may I say how excited I am to take your and Aimee's workshop in July? It will be wonderful to meet to you in real life!
