
Sunday, June 9, 2013

Rain = rust

Last week's rainy spell left me feeling a bit rusty around the edges 

 so out came the watercolor paper,

 rusty bits

and green tea bags.

 They must have been feeling 

 a bit rusty too.

 they are hinting

 of stories and marks

 to come.

What do you think?


  1. Great marks...very mysterious... I'm thinking it might be time to save some of my tea bags, not only for some tea dyeing but also for stitching. Might really work with the second Crossroads piece.

    1. Working with tea bags is fun. Several ideas have been floating around my mind just waiting for me to start them. Seems like a good time to do so, don't you think?

  2. Love it - the last one looks like an old pear or apple - upside down - I think they are very creative!! Love viewing the process as well!! Cheers - hope it is a good week for you - rainy here, too so we can identify with the rust!!

  3. Stories and marks to come, definitely. They are lovely as they are, and suggestive of so much.

  4. I like how simple the forms turned out. They are light images from dense metal.

  5. Wyn - Thank you! Hope the rain has stopped at your house. The sun is out here now and it's supposed to be a glorious day.

    Charlton - I agree - stories and marks to come.

    Jill - The simplicity of some of the marks was a total surprise, but I love them for that.

  6. Can't wait to see where you take these minimal marks. A challenge - but an exciting one. Don't forget to let us see!

    1. Susan, I promise to share the next phase in the soon as I know what it is, that is. Love rusting on paper, but haven't figured out what to do with it yet. Books, perhaps?

  7. Do you see stitches??

    It's always a lovely gentle unfolding isn't it - with these serendipitous marks appearing.

    1. Stitches...? Hadn't occurred to me. I'll take another look with stitches in mind. You may just have something there Fiona. Thanks!

  8. such wonderful delicateness. you place the rusted object on top? is it rusting through?
    i'm picturing lots of seed stitches....

    1. Monica, the rusted objects were placed on top of the tea bags with another sheet of watercolor paper laid atop them to result in 2 sets of prints. The top sheet has the lovely hints of rusted marks while the bottom sheet has the tea bag prints. In some cases, I think a bit of rusting soaked through the tea bag to the bottom paper.

      You know...I just can't see stitching with these even though many readers can. Maybe it's because of the weight of the watercolor - 300 lb. Maybe, it's just me. Maybe I should send a few pieces out to others to see what they would do...
