
Saturday, January 21, 2012

What if?

what if?
they filled a large gallery space
us - circling your magnificent circle series

That's part of a response left by Elizabeth of Be...Dream...Play... in answer to my query of her thoughts on my idea of making a series of the large rusty circles...with pieces measuring 30" wide x 72" long...and maybe even a few 58-60" squares.

Since reading Elizabeth's lovely answer, I've been seeing it...the gallery space filled with my circles. The funny that normally I can't do this with my own work. Can't see the exhibition. Not really. Not with any clarity. With others' work, yes. My own, no.

Ask Pam. One glance at her work and full blown stories spew forth. She's seen and heard me in action. I look at one of her visually and texturally exquisite works and can see the light playing on a section, can see the movement caused by the stirring of the air as people stroll by or stop to look or simply breathe nearby...can see exactly how it would hang. Can see...

I can do this with a few others' work as well. But never with my own. Not in the same way. Until Elizabeth's comment. By the time Pam and Fiona concurred, my creative mind was on overdrive and the muses were whispering furiously. Nearly everything was sorted out - except the actual location of the exhibit. Two local galleries come to mind and one has distinct possibilities.

Of course, I'm getting way ahead of myself. First, enough work has to be completed and photographed to even be able to apply for a solo show. I'm working on that part. As for the rest, I can see it. Can you?


  1. I can see it, go girl go! and I'd love an invitation please.

    1. Thanks Liz! You'll definitely get an invitation...may be a couple of years, but you'll get one. Would you take photos of the exhibit? With your eye, oh!, now that would be intriguing.

  2. ooh- I'm so excited you are seeing something with your own work! Fabulous!

    1. It was like a bolt of lightening had struck. Odd that. Rather scary, yet freeing all at the same time.

  3. you go girl.....xlynda

    1. Thank you! Love your last small bag, by the way. And the photo of the smiley face chest of drawers brought a smile to my face as well. Have fun experimenting!
