
Thursday, December 8, 2011

Tea time, part 2

Does art have seasons? If so, winter is definitely my season to rust. It's so easy. Soak something in vinegar or water. Put it in a baggie with a bit of rust. Leave it to work its my case, go to Kansas for a few days. Come back and open up the bundle.

This piece was in the baggie for about a week. I opened once before leaving for Kansas,  liked what was happening and repositioned a few of the washers. Just took it out yesterday.

You can't tell from the mosaic, but the fabric - more of Deb's wonderful gift - measures approximately 8.5 inches high by 16 feet long.

Part of me yearns to leave it as is. Part of me sees cutting it into 8.5 inch squares. Hmmm...that would be...22 squares. What do you think? Which should it be? Long and lean or a bit square?


  1. love it
    love it
    love it
    the idea
    of a grid of squares
    each one different
    but part of a family...

    you are my rust Muse,

    xox - eb.

  2. Elizabeth - Many thank you's! Seems the vote, some from Facebook, are in favor of squares...seen as grids, puzzle pieces or just something cool.

    As for being your rust Muse...awwwww shucks. I'm honored.

  3. Bonjour Jenifer,
    J'aime beaucoup ce que vous faites, je trouve cela très spontané et inspirant.
    Merci de le partager avec nous.

    1. Bonjour Marie,
      Merci beaucoup! Travaillez-vous avec la rouille ainsi? Dans l'affirmative, j'aimerais voir ce que vous êtes en train de faire.
