
Monday, December 12, 2011

The shape of things... the studio this morning - circles, stripes and stars.


  1. loving the shapes
    of things over here
    and your mosaic magic
    when rusty met stripey...

    xox - eb.

  2. It sounds and looks like you are enjoying this! It's nice to have time in the studio to have those ongoing conversations with pieces and little moments when they reveal things to us.

  3. Fiona - You are so right. Studio time is always a gift...especially these early morning hours while the rest sleep.

    eb - The stripeys were probably bouncing around the studio yesterday morning when I hung the piece outside to 20+ degree temps. An hour later, I went to check on it and found it frozen. Oh yes! One big frozen sheet of cotton. I'm blaming the freezing process on stealing some of the little details that were so loved. It looks much better in the photo above...all wet and full of detail. Oy!
