
Thursday, January 5, 2012

Just do it

Since finally arriving at the correct arrangement of the story squares, I've been wondering how they'd look once sewn together. What changes would connecting them bring? Would they still flow as well with just a bit missing...tucked behind in the seam? Would I sew them together and immediately regret it?

This morning I decided that there was only one way to find out and that was to just do it. So I did.






  1. love
    the sewing machine foot shot
    with the yellow pin head
    #1 is my favorite
    the clean seams
    are quite satisfying
    just do it
    looking over my shoulder David said:
    "looks like Greek soldiers with shields returning from the Peloponnesian wars"...

    xox - eb.

  2. eb - "looks like Greek soldiers with shields returning from the Peloponnesian wars..."

    I did want to hear the stories others gleamed from these pieces, but...well...Greek soldiers is certainly unique. And I obviously need to read more history. Ha!

  3. I'm way simpler - I keep seeing flowers...

  4. Fiona - Too funny! From shield carrying Greek soldiers to flowers. Makes one wonder what another sees?
