
Saturday, January 7, 2012

Guerilla rusting

I've been eyeing this sign on my street for a month or so now, wondering just how it would rust. Today was the day - with temps in the low 60's - to wrap it in vinegar-soaked cotton wrapped with waxed linen thread and, finally, wrapped in plastic wrap (a whole of wrapping going on here...) for protection from the elements. 


  1. Love it - you totally have rust-fever!

  2. Fiona - I certainly do. John is accustomed to me stopping to pick up any rusty bits that catch my eye. To his credit, he didn't blink when I shared my mad plan with him.

  3. How fun! I look forward to seeing your results. (also it would be fun to see expressions of passersby!)

  4. Gina - I checked on it today and the cotton is beginning to rust. Hopefully, it will be ready in a few more days.

    As for the neighbors...well, I'm sure they were wondering just what the devil I was doing. At least no one reported me for defacing public property. If this counts, that is.


  5. This is fantastic! I'll be curious to hear if anyone (besides you of course!) takes it down. BIG follower of your work. Outstanding!

  6. Hollis - Thank you for following my adventures in rusting! And for commenting as well. Comments are always a pleasure to receive.

    As for the guerilla rust piece...I kinda doubt that it's been noticed by anyone other than those who saw me on Saturday trying not to slide down the slope in the process. It's still there and seems to be doing ok. A week of rusting sounds like a good idea. Results on Saturday...or maybe Sunday. Enjoy!

  7. Lynda - Thanks for stopping by! As for being brave...more like just far too curious. Enjoy!
