
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Kansas bound

This time tomorrow morning I'll be at the airport waiting to catch a couple of planes that will, ultimately, take me to Kansas for short visit with Pam.  We're both in need of some time to stop and breathe, relax a bit, create a bit, stitch a bit. Oh heck! Maybe even bitch a bit. Well, probably not the last, but we'll definitely chat a bit...or not. Yep. It's that kind of friendship.

 Some of the rusted boro pieces

 as well as the latest stitching on black cotton 
will find their way into my carry on bag 
for those times when we decide to just sit and be.

And back home, the rusting will continue in my absence.


  1. have a wonderful time Jennifer
    sounds great!
    your images are beautiful...

    xox - eb.

  2. Travel safe and enjoy the time away. My bestie flew 1/2 way across the country for a visit last weekend - they are special days.

  3. Fiona - Times with good friends are indeed priceless. Pam is actually who introduced me to a blog called Paper Ponderings. We'll all have to get together one of these days. Enjoy!

  4. I love the picture of your iron dyed fabric! I am exploring that too, on my back porch and find it fascinating. I would love to see more of what you are doing with this. I guess that is what the blog is for?
    Maybe you are going towards art quilts? I think I am.

    Maria Simonsson
