
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Cranberry dreaming part 3

2 bundles of cotton + a cranberry sauce concoction + a hot plate left on high for too long = ???

One could propose that the correct answer is a bloody mess. And, I suppose, one would be correct. Me...well...I rather like the results...burn holes and all.

Can anyone recommend a good way to remove burnt cranberries from the bottom of a dye pot...exact metal unknown, but I think it's aluminum?


  1. 2 cranberries in a pot!
    (peas in a pod)
    I like it - altho - surely a surprise...
    looks lacy to me - love the repeat pattern
    maybe some layering and stitching
    around the burn holes?

    love your adventurous spirit,

    xox - eb.

  2. eb - Totally a surprise! The girls and I had returned home from a day out. I'd plugged the hot plate in to simmer and went inside to chop vegetables for a salad...totally forgetting about the pot brewing until after dinner. Not the recommended method for smoking/burning holes in fabric. Still, it gives me an idea...

  3. I love these burnt marks.

    I love how they look so vulnerable and tragic.

    I've been thinking about burning fabric and then somehow mending a metaphor for our times.

    So, what did you do again?

  4. Judy - Sorry, but I'm still laughing at your asking what I did to get the burn marks...which were totally an accident.

    The short answer is that I was an idiot and forgot about plugging the hot plate back in, on the high setting, with little water in the pot...until...oh...about 90 minutes later. Any liquid in the pot had boiled down soon after being turned back on. The cranberry sauce was a black, burnt mess on the bottom and the bundles were stuck (read "burnt") to the bottom also. Took a bit to pry the cotton loose, but I do love the effect. Thankfully, I remembered. Hate to think what would have happened had I gone to bed without unplugging the hot plate.

    The same effect can be achieved with a candle. Hold the fabric over the flame and allow the smoke to color the fabric or, if you're feeling adventurous, let the fabric burn a bit. I've only ever done this with a workshop taught by Dorothy Caldwell.

    If you try it, I hope you post photos. Whatever you do is bound to be wonderful.

  5. Fabulous effect from a high-risk strategy! I'm glad it was such a great outcome - there is so much potential in those pieces - have fun!

  6. Fiona - Not exactly the type of high-risk strategy I'd care to repeat...especially since it was due my own forgetfulness. Next time, I'll just take a candle to some cotton and see what happens. That might be a touch safer. Hmmm....
